I have a hard time talking about myself, But who doesn't? I will try my best! If there is something you want to know that you don't see here, feel free to ask!
All About Me
I am an artsy gal with a foul mouth. I love morbidly cute things. I am pretty sure the inside of my brain would fit in at Hot Topic in the late 90s. I use art as therapy for depression. The Problem is forcing myself to do it. When I get into a flow there is no stopping me, But getting to that flow takes some effort.
I was born and raised in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma. When you grow up where there is nothing else to do you become Fluent in Movie quotes, Rock at name that tune, and have a nerdy pleasure. Mine would be video games. (Maybe a sprinkle of anime)
I met my partner while Making videos for YouTube. Mr. Fish is from the U.K. I don't think you want to hear about the insanity that is immigration. The Good news is that its over and we are together now <3